Dry January


Dry January

After the excesses (for some of us) of the winter holidays, our first blog post could be about none other than Dry January! If you fancy a detox, it can be a perfect time to re-evaluate your routine. January is when our culture pushes us to think about quitting habits that don’tdon’t support us.

But Dry January, particularly nowadays, isn’tisn’t about a simple detox. It has gained deeper meaning since the COVID-19 epidemic: The latest alcohol statistics from the UK in 2021 reported the highest number of deaths from alcohol-specific causes. In its latest report, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that 9641 deaths from alcohol-specific causes were registered in the UK, equating to almost 15 deaths for every 100,000. Stats and history show that alcohol abuse is used as a coping mechanism at times of uncertainty due to its effect on the brain’s neurochemical pathways. Alcohol releases feel-good endorphins, helping us get by temporarily. It’s a reason why alcohol is addictive.

Now fast-forward to now – How can Dry January benefit your health?

  • You’ll get a mood boost – Alcohol gives you a temporary mood boost by releasing the ”happy hormones” dopamine & serotonin. The body becomes used to the increase and starts making less to compensate. Dry January will allow your body to rebalance your hormones for a better mood.  
  • You’ll sleep more soundly – While some believe alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, it prevents deep sleep. Giving up alcohol will help your body get the deep restorative sleep it needs to heal and balance the body.
  • You’ll feel less bloated or lose extra weight – Alcohol is an inflammatory substance often made worse by mixing with sugary and fizzy drinks, which contain high amounts of calories. Give dry January a go, and you will soon see a difference.
  • You’ll have a more robust immune system – Alcohol suppresses your body’s immune system. Give it up for dry January, and you’ll notice you’re less likely to catch every bug that comes your way. Even if you pick something up, you will get better faster.
  • You’ll have a new relationship with alcohol – Giving up alcohol for just one month can have long-term benefits and reset your relationship with alcohol. Research conducted by the university of Sussex found that six months after Dry January more than 70% of people continue drinking more healthily.

How to do Dry January

The most fun way of giving up alcohol for a month (apart from recruiting a friend to keep each other in check!) and keeping motivated is to do it whilst fundraising for alcoholchange.org.

By fundraising for your Dry January®, you will contribute significantly to Alcohol Change UK’sUK’s efforts to minimize the harm that alcohol causes in the UK. Twenty people in the UK die daily due to drinking, and alcohol’salcohol’s effects extend beyond individual lives to include families, communities, and our entire society.

So do your bit for charity and get sponsored whilst staying sober!

How we can help you get through Dry January

Our Employee Benefits portal, which gives access to top-of-the-range wellbeing and lifestyle benefits, is a prime source of help. As an employer or an employee, you can use all available tools – from immediate counselling advice to our Wellbeing Check and ”Alcohol and You” self-help guide – available for yourselves and your immediate family at the Wellbeing hub.

If you want to know more about our employee benefits portal or other services available from Eternal engagements, please use the <contact> form on our website or email info@eternalengagements.co.uk.