Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

Eternal Engagements Limited (“we”, “us”, “our” or “the Company”) is committed to fostering a positive, fair, and respectful work environment. These procedures provide a clear and consistent approach for managing grievances and disciplinary matters in the workplace. They cover both grievance and disciplinary matters, including but not limited to employee concerns, complaints, conduct, and performance issues. Eternal Engagements Limited applies these procedures to all employees.

Part 1: Grievance Procedure
The grievance procedure is intended to address and resolve any concerns or complaints employees may have related to their work, working conditions, or relationships with colleagues. Eternal Engagements Limited aims to resolve grievances fairly and promptly.

1. Informal Resolution

1.1 Employees are encouraged to discuss any concerns informally with their line manager or supervisor before initiating a formal grievance.
1.2 If the issue cannot be resolved informally, employees may proceed with a formal grievance.

2. Formal Grievance Procedure

Step 1: Submit a Formal Grievance
2.1 The employee should submit a written grievance to their line manager, detailing the issue and any relevant facts.
2.2 If the grievance involves the employee’s line manager, it may be submitted to the HR department or an alternative senior manager.

Step 2: Investigation
2.3 Upon receipt, the grievance will be acknowledged in writing.
2.4 An impartial investigator will be assigned to gather relevant information and interview those involved. The investigator may be an HR representative or an appointed manager.

Step 3: Grievance Meeting
2.5 A grievance meeting will be held with the employee to discuss the issue in further detail. The employee may bring a colleague or union representative as a companion.
2.6 The investigator will summarise the findings and present recommendations to the employee and relevant parties.

Step 4: Outcome
2.7 The employee will be informed in writing of the decision, usually within five (5) working days of the grievance meeting. The response will include details of any actions to be taken to resolve the grievance.

Step 5: Appeal
2.8 If the employee is unsatisfied with the outcome, they may appeal the decision within five (5) working days by submitting a written request for an appeal to HR department.
Part 2: Disciplinary Procedure
The disciplinary procedure ensures fair and consistent handling of matters related to employee misconduct, poor performance, or breaches of Company policy.
1. Principles of Disciplinary Action
1.1 Eternal Engagements Limited aims to address and correct behaviour before considering disciplinary action.
1.2 All disciplinary actions will follow a fair process, allowing employees to explain their actions and defend themselves.

2. Levels of Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary actions may vary based on the severity of the offense and may include one or more of the following:
Informal Warning: For minor or first-time issues, an informal warning may be issued.
Verbal Warning: For repeated or more serious misconduct, a verbal warning may be issued.
Written Warning: For continued or serious issues, a formal written warning may be issued.
Final Written Warning: For severe misconduct or repeated issues after a written warning.
Dismissal: In cases of gross misconduct or continued issues after a final warning, dismissal may be considered.

3. Disciplinary Procedure

Step 1: Investigation
3.1 When an issue arises, an impartial investigator will assess the matter and gather relevant information.
3.2 The employee will be notified of the investigation and may be suspended with pay, depending on the severity of the alleged misconduct.

Step 2: Disciplinary Meeting
3.3 If the investigation warrants further action, the employee will be invited to a disciplinary meeting. They will be informed of the allegations, provided with supporting evidence, and given time to prepare.
3.4 The employee may bring a colleague or union representative as a companion to the meeting.

Step 3: Outcome of the Disciplinary Meeting
3.5 After considering the employee’s response and the evidence, a decision will be made, and the employee will be notified in writing of the outcome and any disciplinary action to be taken.

Step 4: Appeal
3.6 The employee has the right to appeal against any disciplinary action. An appeal must be submitted in writing within five (5) working days of receiving the decision.
3.7 An impartial manager not involved in the initial investigation will review the appeal, and an appeal meeting may be arranged to discuss the matter further.

4. Gross Misconduct

Gross misconduct includes severe breaches of conduct that may warrant immediate dismissal without notice or pay in lieu of notice. Examples of gross misconduct include but are not limited to:
Theft or fraud
Physical violence or threatening behaviour
Serious misuse of Company property
Serious breaches of health and safety
Discrimination, harassment, or bullying
If gross misconduct is suspected, the employee may be suspended with pay while the investigation is conducted. Immediate dismissal may occur following a thorough investigation and disciplinary meeting.

5. Confidentiality

All grievance and disciplinary matters are handled confidentially, and information will only be shared with those directly involved. Breaches of confidentiality by employees involved in the grievance or disciplinary process may result in disciplinary action.

6. Review of Procedures

These procedures are reviewed regularly to ensure they comply with current laws and best practices.

Contact Information
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact directly to Company’s HR Department.

Last updated: 01/2025